Feast Your Eyes Catering

Paula D’Uva, President


In partnership with her husband Ivan, Paula as President of Feast Your Eyes is at the helm of our event and catering organization. Paula started in the early days of Feast Your Eyes working in the kitchen and rapidly progressed through the ranks from kitchen manager, into the office, to sales and event management. Finally there was no place further to go except to buy the business! She has over 30 years’ experience in catering and events and understands the business from every aspect.

For the past twenty-five years, Paula has been designing and executing corporate and social events of all magnitudes. Her attention to design and detail is flawless. The winning combination of both Paula’s event experience and Ivan’s fantastic cuisine, plus their concern and interest in their business ensures that every aspect of your event will get top quality, attention and care!

Contact Paula: paula@feastyoureyes.ca   905.454.0159 ext. 116

 Chef Ivan Karlovcec

Chef IvanChef Ivan is the dynamic other half of the Feast Your Eyes Ownership and Executive Team!  He exudes pure passion and heart for his craft in every element!
With Ivan everything has to be the freshest, best quality, tastiest, most aesthetically pleasing – nothing less than superlative will do!  Ivan is larger than life and gives two hundred percent to everything he does from growing produce in his own greenhouses, producing hydroponic herbs and heirloom vegetables, canning and preserving the bounty.

A master butcher by trade, he and Paula operate Agrams’s Meats and Culinary Boutique in Georgetown.
 Agram Meats & Culinary Boutique | Georgetown ON | Facebook
Ivan is an expert at all aspects of meat including in house smoking, curing, marinating, seasoning, barbecuing, spit roasting and cooking.  Put a piece of any kind of meat in his hands and it will be pure heaven!   For the most amazing culinary experience be sure to have Chef Ivan cater your event!